Tocopilla greater adult Center

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Unexpected visits are always beautiful, here was organized from scratch this visit to the center of the largest adult in Tocopilla, a major contributor is always Javier Ramirez, my uncle, who no matter what time, is always at the bottom of the barrel to help, great Javier…

Spend a wonderful afternoon with these grandfathers and grandmothers… who did bother to clown mas Fome of the world LOL always thankful eternally grateful to be able to do this work and mission.



Picture of Andrés Pérez

Andrés Pérez

Soy Andres Perez Ramirez hijo de el Maestro Director de Teatro Don Andrés Pérez Araya y Rosa Ramirez Rios, de Chile, más bien conocidos por su bella obra “La Negra Ester” A la muerte de mi padre, se crea el proyecto Instancias Mágicas como homenaje a su vida y obra.