Go to the mail and end by encouraging a solidarity party…

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As well as the title says… I went to Tocopilla mail to send a parcel and end by encouraging a party offering chile mail every year to children of a home.

As it was all… well arrive at 12 pm, were closing… you said… but as… If they close at 13 hrs… a Lady tells me… is that today we closed before since we celebrate Christmas to children of a social home… peroooo… should I send this parcel… makes three days I would send it and I could not… very friendly please Miss says me good pass… then you ask… that you will be offered to children… She told me… sweet… cake… gifts… and who encouraged asks him…

She responds… nobody… nobody wants to do it… and we do not know how… There was when I offered… I can help you… as you me is helping with my order I help them with animation… and all happy…

Parti ran to look for my nail, juggling balls, nose of clown and music… so it was like a normal day is transformed into another precious day to share…

life gives you surprises… surprises gives you life…



Picture of Andrés Pérez

Andrés Pérez

Soy Andres Perez Ramirez hijo de el Maestro Director de Teatro Don Andrés Pérez Araya y Rosa Ramirez Rios, de Chile, más bien conocidos por su bella obra “La Negra Ester” A la muerte de mi padre, se crea el proyecto Instancias Mágicas como homenaje a su vida y obra.